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WineFarm Agriturismo Tarantola





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WineFarm Agriturismo Tarantola(圖1)-速報App

Located half way between Alcamo and Camporeale, just in the middle of the productions of Alcamo D.o.C (prestigious Sicilian white-wine grapes), the farmhouse Tarantola is an oasis of green and peace, far away from the stress of the city. The buildings, recently renovated for accommodation, offer all comforts for a qualitative and relaxing staying in the countryside. 

WineFarm Agriturismo Tarantola(圖2)-速報App

The azienda, entirely cultivated with vineyards, produces precious grapes from which excellent local wines are made every year. Don’t miss the tasting of them during your staying. Next to the wine, the farm produces olive oil, jams and marmalades as well, which you can buy directly there. The gastronomy is traditional Sicilian, strictly linked to the local production.

WineFarm Agriturismo Tarantola(圖3)-速報App

The position of this agriturismo allows you to discover easily the principal natural and cultural attractive of the region: the wonderful nature reserve of Lo Zingaro, the middle age town of Erice, Segesta with its Greek temple and theatre, the saline of Trapani and Marsala with the wineries of the famous liquorish wine, the uncontaminated Egadi islands.

WineFarm Agriturismo Tarantola(圖4)-速報App

Contrada Tarantola

91011 Alcamo Trapani,Sicily, Italy